You Left Your Fridge Open

I like to thinIMG_1555-1k of the Jersey poet William Carlos Williams as the originator of fridge poetry. Nowadays, even Kanye West is getting in on the action (“You left your fridge open, somebody just took a sandwich”). You can even buy mixable magnetic words to make poems of your own on the fridge. So, when I needed to come up with a prompt for Jersey City Writers‘ Tuesday night group, I thought writing a “fridge note” would be fun! To add a little challenge, I had folks draw a word from the magnetic poetry kit and use that word in their note, but for the online folks, try going to the Random Word Generator and use the first word that pops up for you. In the fridge note, think about who the speaker is (is it you or a character?), who the speaker is addressing in their note, and what they have to say. HAVE FUN!

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